Parish News
Lent Schedule
Lent ScheduleOktoberfest
oktoberfestCleaning Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed for cleaning of the sanctuary, sacristy, choir loft, bathrooms, server sacristy and in the church. All cleaning supplies are provided in the server sacristy. […]Capital Campaign Kickoff
Last weekend was the official kickoff to the Capital Campaign for the Renovation of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. We have waited and prayed for this day […]A Reflection on Lenten Fasting
— by Rev. Daniel Merz In the early Church and, to a lesser extent still today, there were two fasts. There was the “total fast” that preceded […]Lenten Fasting and Abstinence Regulations
Lent begins tomorrow with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday Masses at Saint Thomas Aquinas will be celebrated at 9 am and & 7 pm […]“Let Us Give Thanks to the Lord our God”
“Let Us Give Thanks to the Lord our God” Join Father Sullivan for Mass on Thursday, November 24th in the Parish Activity Center at 9 am, […]FACILITIES UPDATE
On May 3, of this year, a very large hailstorm struck Zanesville. A tremendous amount of damage was incurred by the storm to the rectory and […]CATHOLIC FOUNDATION GRANT
Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish is pleased to announce that two grants have been awarded to the parish for calendar year 2023. The first grant, in the […]Commemorating All the Faithful Departed
Please join us for All Souls Day Masses at 9 am and 7 pm on Wednesday, November 2 in the Saint Thomas Activity Center.Happy All Saints Day!
Today’s celebration reminds us of several truths. First, we are untied to one another through the gift of baptism even more powerfully that we are to one another by kin or affection.October Mass Count
Each year the Diocese of Columbus takes a count of all those parishioners who come to Mass during the month of October.Weekly Update 9/15/22
BISHOP EARL FERNANDES CARD SHOWER: Bishop Fernandes will be celebrating his 50th Birthday on September 21st. If you would like to send a card please mail […]Final Real Presence Real Future Recommendations
Real Presence, Real Future Final Draft ProposalWelcome Back Students, Teachers and Staff!
Welcome Back Students, Teachers and Staff!Welcome to Saint Thomas Bishop Fernandes!
Welcome to Saint Thomas Bishop Fernandes!Second Round Draft Proposal for Region 4 South
Second Round Draft Proposal for Region 4 SouthCelebrating Saint Patrick’s Day
Celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day This year is the 180th Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone of Saint Thomas Aquinas Church. The ceremony was […]St. Thomas Case Statement for Support Roofing Repair & Restoration Project
St Thomas Case StudyParish Survey Update
We Want Your Feedback!Important Message from Bishop Brennan
Please click below regarding the important message from Bishop Brennan about Real Presence, Real Future. Real Presence, Real Future | Announcement – YouTubeLetter from Father Sullivan
Dear Friends, I went to Lourdes for the first time at the conclusion of my second year in seminary. In those days the foundation of the second year […]Roof Shoring Project Approved
22 July 2020 Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene Dear Friends, I am happy to announce Bishop Brennan has approved Phase 1 of the project to repair the roof of our beloved […]Statewide Face Mask Mandate
Dear Friends, This morning all Pastors and Administrators of our diocesan parishes received the following reminder from Monsignor Moloney, The Vicar General of the Diocese of Columbus, […]UPDATE ON SINGING THE MASS
Greetings to all in this very unique Summer! Since our return to public Mass, we have sung as we did before the pandemic (with the omission of some hymns, such as at Communion). This was a temporary move, and we remained open to fine-tuning it based on new information. We also remained committed to the use of hymns as a crucial way we embrace and proclaim the Gospel message in song. Now that we are learning more about how the virus spreads through the air (especially in crowds) and observing wise and charitable procedures in other places, we have discerned the need to make a change.